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Hi there!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Tomorrow I will be on a plane to Roma! I just realized today, how unprepared I am. I haven't really done too much laundry, made a packing list or anything or that nature. I am kind of ok with that. I did get a fresh spray tan though, don't worry. 

I am most excited about trying to find the best rooftop bar to sip vino before dinner and watch the sunset. I love being where the locals are. I know we will all still stick out like tourists, but it is still a challenge to try to fit in. =) I am blessed to have four great friends to experience this trip with. I simply cannot wait!

Additionally, not working for 7 days will be pure bliss. There is absolutely no way work can get in touch with me. None at all. This is pure joy for me. I am sure the office will shut down without me anyways, I hold this place together, like nailing jello to a wall.

Both dogs will be staying with some good friends Katie, Travis, Kingston, and Bella. 
I have no idea why they are so excited to babysit our dogs. I mean they have met them... However, they kindly offered, and I know they will take good care of them.

To end this post, I will post a list of my favorite italian words:

1. bicicletta
2. mangia
3. uomo
4.  papa
5. sparca
6. asciugamano
7. cavallo
8. gioiella
9. vindici
10. vino

Buno notte il mio amore =)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Nappy Roots and Rhinoplasty

Missed my hair appointment on Monday because I was hiding out in the bathroom at work from the "tornado." Having grown up in Oklahoma, I should be used to the tornado drills. At any rate, rescheduled aforementioned hair appointment for today at 5:30. Mind you, I get my hair colored every four weeks. Some say high maintenance, I say routine maintenance. I am very picky about the color of my hair, and the moment a root starts to show, I'm ready to be in that chair with foils on. Now, this hair appointment on Monday which I missed was already a reschedule from my recent trip to Antlers, OK. So today, I am going on about 5.5 weeks with no color touch up. Very stressfull situation. The only thing stressing me out more is the recent nomination of Elena Kagan (more on that another time). So I was going to be a rebel, and leave work early. At 5. I really can justify this because it is Wednesday and I haven't taken a lunch anyday this week... Justified or not, it has to be done. Well, about 1.5 hours ago, JLo informs me that our boss will be rolling into town this afternoon. Damn the luck. This is the one situation that is going to prevent me from getting my hair colored tonight. I am thoroughly dissapointed. 

In other news, why didn't I buy pet health insurance. My dog's go to the vet more than I get my roots done. Margot Polo has been three times for this cough she has been battling. The most recent time, Dr. 90210 confirmed what he said during her early months, "the dog will need a rhinoplasty." Now, the first time I really thought he could be kidding, or maybe getting the rhinoplasty was something he tells every new pet owner to downplay all the other expenses they get you for at the vet on a routine visit. No, no, he really thinks in about 6 months M.P. a/k/a Heidi Dogtag will need a nose job. I guess her nasal passageway is to small to allow for an adequate amount of air to flow through, resulting in breathing problems, etc. etc.  I guess I will forego paying for myself to have any kind of work done, maybe a facial, peel, eyebrow wax... My dog's gettin plastics.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Happy Mom's day to my mom, Vicki. She is just as pretty and sweet today, as she was in this picture. I am a lucky girl! Love ya mom!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I am a sucker for all things "for sale." I am any store clerk's favorite consumer. I can be talked into purchasing a turd on a stick, and go home feeling like I just took a hit off the euphoria pipe. Seriously though, some people view my impulsivity as a negative. I probably should view it the same. However, it makes for some interesting buyers remorse.  Alas, once in a blue moon, I feel proud of myself for making the bold purchases that I did. Here is an example

 Origins: Modern Friction. This is an exfoliator/peel/micro derm in a jar. It is spectacular. I encourage anyone with a face to use this. 
